Can monetary policy still pack a
punch at the zero lower bound (ZLB)? For Market Monetarists, the answer
is an unequivocal yes. For others, the answer is less clear. Paul
Krugman, for example,
made the following comment recently on the efficacy of monetary policy during liquidity traps:
[T]he liquidity trap is real; conventional monetary policy, it turns out,
can’t deal with really large negative shocks to demand. We can argue
endlessly about whether unconventional monetary policy could do the
trick, if only the Fed did it on a truly huge scale..
is right, this issue is contentious. It has been argued almost
endlessly over the past five years. I submit, however, that over this
time we have had several quasi-natural experiments on the effectiveness
of monetary policy at the ZLB. These "experiments" along with an earlier
one have shed some light on this issue.
first quasi-natural experiment has been happening over the course of
this year. It is based on the observation that monetary policy is being
tried to varying degrees among the three largest economies in the
world. Specifically, monetary policy in Japan has been more aggressive
than in the United States which, in turn, has had more aggressive
monetary policy than the Eurozone.1 These economies also have short-term interest rates near zero percent. This makes for a great experiment on the efficacy of monetary policy at the ZLB.
what have these monetary policy differences yielded? The chart below
answers the question in terms of real GDP growth through the first half
of 2013:

outcome seems very clear: when really tried, monetary policy can be
very effective at the ZLB. Now fiscal policy is at work too, but for
this period the
main policy change
in Japan has been monetary policy. And according to the IMF Fiscal
Monitor, the tightening of fiscal policy over 2013 has been sharper in
the United States than in the Eurozone. Yichang Wang illustrates this
latter point nicely in this
So that leaves the variation in real GDP growth being closely tied to
the variation in monetary policy. Chalk one up for the efficacy of
monetary policy at the ZLB.
second quasi-natural experiment has been running since 2010 in the
United States. Over this period the cyclically-adjusted or structural
budget balance as a percent of potential GDP has been shrinking. This is
the best measure of the stance of fiscal policy, as
noted by Paul Krugman:
austerity is tricky. You can’t just use budget surpluses or deficits,
because these are affected by the state of the economy. You can — and I
often have — use “cyclically adjusted” budget balances, which are
supposed to take account of this effect. This is better; however, these
numbers depend on estimates of potential output, which themselves seem
to be affected by business cycle developments. So the best measure,
arguably, would look directly at policy changes. And it turns out that
the IMF Fiscal Monitor provides us with those estimates, as a share of
potential GDP...
Below is the
IMF's measure of both the overall and primary structural budget balance for
all levels of government:
what is the implication of this figure? First, it shows that
independent of business cycle influences fiscal policy has been
tightening since 2010. It has gone from an overall deficit of 8.5% in
2010 to an expected one of
about 4.6% in 2013. Stated differently, the above reduction in the
general budget
deficit is not the government endogenously
adjusting its balance sheet in response to improvements in the private
sector's balance sheet. Rather, it is the consequence of explicit policy
to sharply tighten fiscal policy.
what have these three years of fiscal policy tightening done to
aggregate demand over this time? Apparently nothing as seen in the
figure below:
what explains this development? How is it that fiscal policy tightening
in conjunction with the Eurozone shocks, the China slowdown
shocks, and other negative shocks has not slowed down aggregate demand
growth? The answer is that Fed policy has effectively offset the effect
of the fiscal austerity and the other shocks. This is another great
quasi-natural experiment that demonstrates the effectiveness of monetary
policy even with interest rates close to zero percent. Chalk another
one up for the efficacy of monetary policy at the ZLB.
course, this remarkable stabilization of U.S. aggregate demand growth
by the Fed has been far from adequate in terms of restoring full
employment. It is, therefore, ultimately frustrating to watch. For it
speaks to both the power and shortcomings of current Fed policy.
these recent quasi-natural experiments on the efficacy of monetary
policy at the ZLB are informative, an even more telling one can be found
in the 1930s. This is the quasi-natural experiment of advanced
economies going off the gold standard. As is well known, the interwar
gold standard was flawed and played a
key role
in causing the Great Depression in the early 1930s. The countries
involved were in a slump and their interest rates were near zero
percent. Yet, as Eichengreen (1992)
notes, the quicker a country abandoned the gold standard the quicker it experienced a robust recovery.
cross-country, quasi-natural experiment of the efficacy of monetary
policy at the ZLB should give any monetary skeptic pause. Christina
that in the
case of the U.S. economy this recovery was almost entirely
the consequence of easing monetary conditions. Fiscal policy played
little role.
three quasi-natural experiments indicate that there is much monetary
policy can do at the ZLB. If so, the key issue is why central banks did
not do more over the past three years to shore up the recovery.
1In more precise terms, the Bank of Japan has signaled more definitely than the Federal Reserve a permanently higher future monetary base level relative to the expected real demand for it. The Fed, in turn, has signaled the same relative to the ECB.